Privacy Policy

The information we collect from you

In the course of using DiviWP’s website, subscribing to newsletters or purchasing products and/or services, you may be requested to provide information that includes the following:

  • Your full name;
  • Your e-mail address;
  • Your nationality;
  • Your address;
  • Your company name;
  • Your credit card details (via Stripe or PayPal);
  • Your company VAT numbers;
  • We may also record your IP address for purposes of Google Analytics tracking.

You must consent to give us your information before we collect it

We only collect the information with your express consent.  When you use our website and are requested to provide us with information, you will be expressly asked for your consent for us to collect this information and utilise it for the purposes described below. 

In providing your information via telephone or email you agree to do so by providing this information, and then strictly subject to our Privacy Policy.  At all times, whether information is collected via our website, telephonically or via e-mail, it is collected, stored and utilised subject to the terms of this Privacy Policy.


Cookies are industry standard, very small text files that are stored on your computer when you visit websites. We use cookies to help identify your computer so we can tailor your user experience. Cookies tell us which pages you find most interesting and help us to determine overall site usage as well as aggregate demographic data. We also use Cookies for remarketing purposes on Facebook so that we can display beneficial and interesting tutorials or products to you in the form of ads.

Most web browsers automatically accept cookies, but you can usually modify your browser setting to decline cookies if you prefer. You may also delete cookies or browse in “Incognito Mode” to avoid using cookies at all.

What we do with your information

We do not sell your information to any third-parties.  

The information you provide to us is used by DiviWP for the following purposes only:

  • To facilitate purchases of DiviWP’s products or services.
  • To send you information via e-mail about our products, new services, courses, tutorials or guides that we launch and promotional offers – subject always to your right to unsubscribe from receiving such e-mail communications.

How we keep your information safe

The information that you provide to DiviWP is stored on behalf of DiviWP on webservers hosted by WPEngine, ConvertKit, HelpScout, Stripe and PayPal all of which specialize in secure data management and protection, and which to the best of our knowledge are compliant with the GDPR.  

The information that we provide on your behalf to third-parties with your consent is done so via secure e-mail, and is then processed subject to their terms and conditions.

DiviWP does not store any credit card information on our webserver. This is handled exclusively by Stripe or PayPal. 

Your rights in relation to information that you provide to us

Should you wish at any time to view the information that we have collected from you, or to modify or delete this information, you may e-mail [email protected] with a request to do so.  

Should you wish to be “forgotten” – i.e. for us to delete all of your personal information stored by DiviWP – you may also email [email protected] and we will do so and confirm that we have done so by return e-mail.